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Organic Ceremonial Matcha

Sale price$46.50

Hailed for its umami-rich sweetness and creamy flavor profile, our 2nd Flush Ceremonial Grade Matcha is made from the first springtime harvest of tencha, or tea leaves used for Matcha before the leaves are ground into fine powder.

The traditional cultivation of tencha requires shading the tea garden for 3-4 weeks prior to harvest. This elevates chlorophyll and enhances L-theanine and other stimulating amino acids responsible for matcha's unique bounty of energy.

The result is delicious and dynamic matcha that is low in tannins, high in caffeine, that contains umami sweetness and balance. A true green tea experience! 

Net Weight - 100 g

Contains Caffeine

632 in stock
Matcha Japan 2nd Flush
Organic Ceremonial Matcha Sale price$46.50